Shannon Epling

Content Manager, CAS


Shannon is a 15-year employee and member of the American Chemical Society. She is a manager in the Life Sciences division at CAS. She earned an M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Florida and is currently finishing a doctoral degree in Instructional Design Leadership. She is a founding member of the Coronavirus Task Force established at CAS in February 2020, which continues to escalate COVID-19–related content for CAS products and customers.

이 블로그 포스팅은 잘 알려지지 않은 카나비노이드, 과학 문헌에서 논의된 카나비노이드의 주요 약물 효능상 이점 및 그 화학 구조에 대한 심층 분석 내용을 집중적으로 다룹니다.