CAS Commercial Sources™

CAS Commercial Sources provides an aggregated source for current global chemical catalog data that enables researchers to efficiently identify and compare sourcing options.

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Consolidated listings for millions of chemical products from global suppliers who regularly update their catalogs.

Integrated data that enters the research workflow at the point of need within CAS Solutions.

Product details including chemical and trade names, CAS Registry Number®, chemical structure, purity, quantity, price, and contact information.

Últimas notícias do CAS Insights

Biomedicine, batteries, and more could be revolutionized by carbon nanotubes. See the full range of their applications.
June 21, 2024|Executive Summary
Este relatório técnico detalhado, publicado em colaboração com a Westlake University, discute o cenário dos biomateriais e como esse campo está mudando rapidamente.
June 18, 2024|Insights Report
Drug Discovery
Sharing new research on inverse vaccines, potential new breakthroughs in treating autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes and celiac disease
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