Jeffrey Smoot

Information Scientist, CAS


Jeffrey Smoot has been an information scientist at CAS for 30 years. Prior to joining CAS, Jeffrey held a research position with Northwestern University and was a Hematology-Oncology Fellow at The Ohio State University. He obtained a B.A. in chemistry and a B.S. in biology from the University of California, Irvine and a PhD. in Biochemistry from The Ohio State University.

Drug Discovery
对 Omicron 变体的初步研究表明,与 2019 年在中国首次发现的原始病毒相比,它已显著进化。这意味着它重新感染那些已经感染过 COVID-19 的人或逃避目前接种第一代疫苗所产生的免疫的可能性会加大。 这一变体可能会严重阻碍全球疫情后的复苏,对社会和经济造成巨大的影响。