Junko Kato-Weinstein

Information Scientist, CAS


Junko is a Senior Information Scientist at CAS. She has been with CAS since 2003, and in her current role she helps to build and maintain the CAS Thesaurus and CAS REGISTRY focusing on enzymes and pharmacology. She graduated from Washington State University with a Ph.D. in Pharmacology and Toxicology, and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Washington State University-Vancouver and Oregon Health & Science University before joining CAS.

Drug Discovery
为了支持正在进行的研究工作,以寻找更多针对 COVID-19 的药物,CAS 科学家团队分析了已发表的科学信息,并撰写了涉及 COVID-19 的蛋白质及相应潜在候选药物的综合分析报告 了解 CAS 如何致力于利用自身的资源和能力来帮助抗击新冠肺炎。