Krittika Ralhan

Scientific content creator, ACSI-India


Krittika Ralhan is a scientific content creator at ACSI-India. She earned her Ph.D. in biological engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar. Prior to joining ACS-I, she was a senior science editor at the Journal of Visual Experiments.

Emerging Science
Explore the science behind sweeteners, their health impact, and emerging alternatives.
Digital R&D
人工智能重新定义天然产物药物的发现。 了解机器学习技术如何从植物、微生物等中发掘出多种候选药物,从而加快发现速度
Emerging Science
抗生素耐药性感染是一场全球性的公共卫生危机。 在与耐药细菌的斗争中,人们需要人工智能、替代疗法和材料创新等新型解决方案。