Otilia Catanescu

Information Scientist, CAS


Otilia Catanescu has been with CAS since 2008 and works as an information scientist in the polymer area. She earned her Ph.D. in Chemistry from Gh. Asachi University of Iasi, Romania. Prior to joining CAS, Otilia held research positions with The Cleveland Clinic in the Cell Biology department, and with the Liquid Crystal Institute in Kent, Ohio.

Emerging Science
NASA 的阿尔忒弥斯计划也将注意力集中在食品安全、可靠性和太空营养等主题上。 这篇博客介绍了解决这些问题的新方法,如 3D 打印的太空食品、利用微生物生产营养物质,以及闭环太空农场。