Yingzhu Li

Senior Information Scientist, CAS


Yingzhu Li is a Senior Information Scientist at CAS focusing on biologics. She received her Ph.D. in molecular and cellular biology and pathophysiology from the School of Medicine, Kanazawa University in Japan. After that, she was a faculty member at the Cancer Research Institute of Kanazawa University for two years. She completed further postdoctoral training in medical oncology at the University of Colorado Health Science Center prior to joining CAS.

Drug Discovery
进一步了解细胞因子风暴及其在免疫和严重感染 COVID-19 以及其他病毒感染中的作用。 本文概述了出版物、里程碑意义事件和未来应用的新兴趋势和洞察,以最大限度地减少细胞因子的不良影响。
相对于传统疫苗,mRNA 疫苗在减缓病毒传播并最终结束 COVID-19 疫情方面具有许多潜在优势。 进一步了解 mRNA 疫苗以及 CAS 如何致力于帮助抗击 COVID-19 疫情。