Hexagon shaped overlay

Make better decisions faster

Turn information into insights with user-friendly visualization tools in CAS SciFinder®.

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Pinpoint trends and patterns for quicker decisions

With the overwhelming volume of scientific data today, it can be challenging to pinpoint trends, patterns, and outliers to gain understanding and make better decisions faster.

Screen capture of the knowledge graph in CAS SciFinder
A preview inside Patent Markush search for a drawn structure

CAS SciFinder provides user-friendly visualization tools that help you turn information into insights. Explore an interactive view of the connectivity between references. Review the structural similarity of chemicals and evaluate the space from an IP perspective.

Accelerate literature review

Significantly reduce literature review time with the industry’s most advanced relevance engine.

Identify substances accurately

Get the most current substance information through CAS REGISTRY®.

Devise synthesis plans

Speed up synthetic planning and reduce the time required to develop your plans.

Research reactions confidently

Quickly find reaction schemes, procedures, and conditions for safer experimentation.

Inform IP strategy

Shorten the time needed to analyze the IP landscape.

Find available chemicals

Source materials during research to locate, compare, and purchase from suppliers.