Chemical Suppliers Program

CAS Chemical Supplier Insights℠ lets you promote your chemical catalogs in CAS market-leading research solutions to reach chemists, biologists, and formulators.

Be part of the most authoritative, comprehensive, and current source for scientists' R&D needs

Before heading to the lab, scientists worldwide use CAS SciFinder® to plan their chemistry and related scientific research. CAS Chemical Supplier Insights (Chemical Catalogs), produced by CAS, is a catalog containing information about commercially available chemicals and worldwide suppliers.

CAS SciFinder provides access to the most authoritative collection of chemistry. CAS is the only organization that can assign and verify CAS Registry Numbers®.
Finding information to order chemicals is one of the most frequently used features in CAS SciFinder. Researchers say CAS SciFinder informs 50% of these decisions.
A single click gives scientists instant access to commercial suppliers participating in CAS Chemical Supplier Insights to purchase the chemicals they need.
CAS SciFinder is used by scientists in the top companies and universities around the world.

Information for interested suppliers

Contact us if your organization would like to be considered for inclusion in CAS Chemical Supplier Insights.

CAS Chemical Supplier Insights suppliers concierge service

Make the most of your CAS SciFinder opportunity with CAS Chemical Supplier Insights Supplier Concierge Service now available to all participating suppliers.

CASwill help onboard your company to becoming a CAS Chemical Supplier Insights supplier and maximize your business-building potential with CAS SciFinder at no cost to you.

Just some of the guidance you will be provided:

Our database experts will analyze your catalog against CAS REGISTRY®. CAS will then provide:

  • A record count, matching CAS REGISTRY substances, loaded to CAS SciFinder, as well as non-matching catalog numbers.
  • Tips on how to improve matching, including how to resolve name/CAS Registry Number discrepancies.
  • A list of potential new substances to be added to CAS REGISTRY.

Our experts will also make the most of your catalog's visibility in CAS SciFinder by working with you to include:

  • Categorical data that would improve customer confidence.
  • Price and availability information.
  • Up-to-date catalog information.

In addition, our experts will help drive business to your company through hyperlinks in CAS SciFinder that deliver the user directly to the desired product page on your site. Experts will:

  • Provide guidance on what you can do on your website to enable “Product Links” and “Price and Availability Links” in CAS SciFinder.
  • Randomly test for and notify you of broken links.
  • Provide other website observations to help you build your business.

CAS is committed to helping suppliers drive their business through CAS Chemical Supplier Insights by increasing the ease of use and quality of information for CAS SciFinder users as well as additional development and services for supplier partners.

CAS Chemical Supplier Insights suppliers additional services

CAS Chemical Supplier Insights chemical suppliers pay an annual participation fee. Additional options available for purchase include:

Featured listings

Jump above search results, including preferred suppliers, with featured listings for your products. A featured listing includes your company logo. Up to three featured listings will be presented above the search results to increase visibility and aid conversion. This is limited to three supplier partners in 2017, available on a first-come basis.

Company logo

Stand out from your competitors in search results with the company logo option. Every time one of your company's products is displayed in the search results set, it will include your company's logo.

CAS Registry Number Service

Use CAS Registry Numbers in your catalog to ensure your customers are ordering exactly what they need. The CAS Registry Number Service delivers a list of CAS Registry Numbers for all supplier catalog items in CAS SciFinder.

Professional Services provided by IP Services

Professional Services can be used for any services offered by CAS IP Services℠ including but not limited to resolving substance identity issues, providing detailed substance information, providing literature and patent references for substances, and answering competitive intelligence questions.