Rumiana Tenchov

Information Scientist, CAS


Rumiana Tenchov is an information scientist at CAS. She earned her Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in biophysics from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Prior to joining CAS, she was a research faculty member at the Department of Molecular Biosciences of the Northwestern University.

Drug Discovery
Sharing new research on inverse vaccines, potential new breakthroughs in treating autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes and celiac disease
June 13, 2024|Article
Drug Discovery
Biomarkers, personalized medicine and gene therapies are fueling research breakthroughs. Discover new treatments targeting genetics and protein buildup to manage this devastating disease.
May 31, 2024|Article
Drug Discovery
While no cure exists for PolyQ diseases like Huntington's, new breakthroughs, therapies, and research could change that.
April 10, 2024|Article
As cancer is projected to increase, finding stronger therapeutics is more urgent. Biomarkers offer a potential solution for better diagnosis and treatment.
February 9, 2024|Article
Emerging Science
CAS and Excelra delved into data surrounding biomarkers and their relationship to cancer to identify key targets for future study.
February 9, 2024|Insights Report
Drug Discovery
了解抗体药物偶联物 (ADC) 如何以其靶向性和效力彻底改变癌症治疗。 揭示抗体偶联药物 (ADCs) 的潜力
October 12, 2023|Article
Emerging Science
探索最新的抗衰老治疗策略,促进健康和长寿。 在我们的最新文章中了解干细胞疗法、透明质酸、抗衰老药物和基因疗法的最新研究,以及当前正在进行临床试验的管线分析。
July 21, 2023|Article
Emerging Science
了解如何克服 PEG 免疫原性对聚乙二醇化脂质纳米颗粒药物递送安全性和有效性的影响这一挑战。 本文综述了目前解决 PEG 免疫原性的最新研究进展,从阐明抗 PEG 抗体生成的影响因素到开发新型药物载体或优化给药和剂量。
May 26, 2023|Article
Emerging Science
肠道微生物组是一个由数万亿细菌组成的复杂生态系统,这些细菌存活在我们的消化道中,具有提供免疫力、改善心理健康和提供治疗选择等健康益处。 近年来,人们对微生物组疗法治疗各种疾病的潜力越来越感兴趣。 随着我们对肠道微生物组的理解不断加深,我们有望在未来几年看到微生物组疗法的更多进展。
May 19, 2023|Article
A historical overview of the discovery of exosomes, key milestones in their rise, and why they will revolutionize the diagnostic and drug delivery fields in the future.
December 2, 2022|Article
November 23, 2022|Article
Drug Discovery
了解更多关于脂质纳米颗粒的内容:起源、在 COVID 疫苗中的角色和未来应用。 本文概述了在疫苗、药物递送和非治疗应用(如农业化学、化妆品和食品科学)方面的出版物、里程碑意义事件和未来应用的新兴趋势与洞察。
November 18, 2022|Article
Drug Discovery
August 22, 2022|Article
Drug Discovery
了解本质无序蛋白质的重要功能及其在 COVID-19 治疗中发挥的关键作用。
March 8, 2022|Article
Emerging Science
肠道微生物群、肠道菌群或微生物组是生活在人类和其他动物消化道中的微生物。 虽然有些细菌与疾病相关,但另一些细菌对健康的许多方面都尤为重要。
February 2, 2022|Article
Learn more about the applications of lipid nanoparticles in cancer therapy, their therapeutic benefits, and their future within nanomedicine.
September 8, 2021|Article
Emerging Science
COVID-19 疫苗生产受限于脂质纳米粒的产量,目前应用微流体技术已成功生产脂质纳米粒。
August 10, 2021|Article
March 15, 2021|Article